Friday, February 14, 2014

No Day Like Today

Today is especially hard for my family. Those of us who were close to them. Those of us who have fond memories of them. Those of us who grew up with them. For those of us who remember the day as if it were yesterday. It's tough. I never liked Valentine's day though there was that one guy who made it really special. But then the year after, I realllly hated Valentine's day. It's been twelve years and writing about it, talking about it, living two doors away from it, is still difficult. I watch my family and see how we can come together, fall apart, and back again in the same week or whenever it's suitable. I guess that's every family. Anyway - it's tough. Tried to wake up to do some chores around the house and so far the only success was creating a new CD for my car. But this day isn't as different as any other day. We remember them all the time. Talk about them. Talk to them. Think about them. Keep them alive by keeping them in daily thought. It's just that (sigh) no matter what's going on, this day will always be, that day.

I want them to rest in peace, but it is my soul that is restless. I am at peace with few things that had happened but the fact that she, they, are gone, it is me, us, the ones left behind that need the prayers of comfort, prayers of peace. *So I guess I'll just Imagine Dragons, Count Stars, and Burn the Dark Horse, because I Can't Remember to Forget You when All of Me walks this Tightrope so that I can be Happy.

*The last line is a playlist mix I've chosen today. 

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